1.Name: Gerald Haynes 2.Weight Class: 77kg 3.Best Lifts a.Snatch: 86kg b.Clean and Jerk: 109kg 4.Favorite Lift: Snatch 5.Least Favorite lift: Overhead Squat 6.How did you get into Weightlifting? I could only make night classes at a crossfit box, which happened to be the olympic lifting class. There I realized crossfit had too much cardio and weightlifting was way more fun. 7.Goals a.1 year: i. Place in a meet ii. 100kg Snatch, 120kg Clean and Jerk and 230 total PRs iii.Become more involved in the weightlifting scene b.5 year: i. Masters Nationals ii. (Serious) Injury free iii.Have my own personal training space/gym 8.Favorite Food: Fresh Steelhead Trout 9.If you were a superhero who would you be? Nightcrawler from X-men 10.Interesting fact about you? I performed in Carnegie Hall with the Purdue Symphonic Band.
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